
Name Property

Syntax: For all objects: set the name of <object> to <string> get the [abbreviated | short | long | class] name of <object> For dataSheet or pickList and dataSheet columns: set the name of col[umn] <number> of <dataSheet | pickList | dataSheet> to <string> Applies to all objects, backgrounds, cards, columns of datasheets and picklists, stacks


The name property determines the short, long, or class name of a specified object, or the name of a dataSheet, pickList, or chart or dataSheet column, or the name of a chart row. The short name of an object determines the text of the object's label, if visible. The name of a row or column determines the text of that row's or column's label, if visible. The default name of an object is the object's class name followed by the object's ID number; for example: field "field id 3" The [abbreviated | abbrev] name is equivalent to the name. The following lists the four different formats of the name property for objects. Form: the name Format: Returns the type of object Example: card field "field id 3" stack "emp.sta" Form: the class name Format: Returns the type of object Example: field stack Form: the short name Format: Returns the type and name of the object Example: field id 3 emp.sta Form: the long name Format: Returns the type of object, the name of the object, the full information about the object's location, and for stacks, the path or folder where the object is located.
card field "field id 3" of card id 2911 of bg id 2616 of stack "untitled"
stack "c:\omo\emp.sta" Objects:emp Each of these formats recognizes letters, digits, spaces, and symbols as part of an object's name property.


See the class name property for more information on class names. The value set by the name property is the short name; if you want to retrieve only the name that you have assigned to an object, without the class name, you must reference the short name property. If you retrieve the name of an object that does not have a user-defined name, Oracle Media Objects returns the object's default name (class name and ID number, as in field "field id 3").
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.